Something Something I discovered with Apple devices

There’s a lot of hate around Apple products lately, I also don’t particularly like some changes that are occurring in recent devices. Although something I hate more than everything else, is how - even if one day they start making the worst devices ever - I will continue to stick to Apple products.

Why? I’m probably very dumb, but that’s not the only reason.

The most powerful feature of an Apple device is the ecosystem around. I’m not talking about macOS, iOS, or watchOS in particula, but how they have always tried, since the introduction of iCloud, to connect all their devices together and make all your different devices become one.

That struck me even more today when I entered in a coffee shop today I had never been before, and asked for the wi-fi password - there were only password-protected access points - I took out my MacBook to work in that coffee shop as the perfect hipster I am, and connected to the wi-fi network.

Worked for a while and took a look at my iPhone, and then I noticed on the phone: it was magically connected to the wi-fi. How did it know how to connect? Because the Mac sent the infos on iCloud, my phone got the info on iCloud using the LTE network, and connected to the wi-fi because it had a good signal. What did I have to do to connect to that network with my phone? Nothing. Did they ever advertise this specific feature? Not that I’m aware of, although it’s part of their “Continuity” project I believe. And it is made of so much things like this one simple example I just gave, little things, building up to make your experience better, without you even knowing it.

That’s the thing I’m interested in the most. They always go the extra mile to make your experience as good as possible. And that’s only truly possible because they have control over everything: the software, the hardware, the cloud. You can only see this value when you use the ecosystem and not only one or 2 isolated devices, that’s where it makes it the most powerful but that’s what is the most annoying to me on another hand (being sort of forced to get the Apple version of every products to take advantage of the intergration with my other devices).

Now there’s not much other companies I could see being able to do all of it as they do, the only one I left see is Google. But whether I’m victim of a marketing lie or not, I trust my every day data, my daily habits, my every move, more into the hands of Apple than Google.

Next stop will be an Apple TV but only when they decided to support 4K HDMI.

You’re probably wondering why there is twice “Something” in the title, I have no particular reason, but it’s not a typo.